Saturday, January 23, 2010

A memorable trip

Last holiday, I took a bus journey from Singapore to Penang. I went there to meet my family who are already there, I didn’t get to go there with them because I had to attend extra lessons on Maths. Gathering in Penang during the December holidays had been somewhat of a yearly tradition for my family. My grandparents are natives of Perak and moved to Penang in their golden age.
I was a little apprehensive as this was the first time I was travelling on my own. Fortunately, the picturesque scenery brought my attention away and silenced my fear. I noted many tall, benevolent buildings in the bustling city as I passed the Causeway. Then, the scenery changed as I crossed the borders of Malaysia. Plantations of rubber and oil palm can be seen along the road. The endless serenity and the stretch of green were unbelievable.
The bus then passed the sea as it moved along the coast. The sight of the sun’s ray bouncing on the waves forming glittering bed of blue and green was certainly engrossing. I was so mesmerized by the sceneries that I didn’t realize about my stomach protesting in hunger. The bus stopped at a little market square in Melaka for passengers to have their lunch. Dozens of stalls were set up by hawkers to sell their goods. I treated myself to a plate of chicken rice, the chicken rice there was famous for the unique flavor of their meat.
The bus continued the journey after half an hour. I met two friends who are around my age in the bus, we talked about our studies and hobbies. Having mutual interests, I was more than comfortable talking to them.
The bus reached the depot after another 5 hours. My family fetched me at the bus terminal. I was very much pleased with this trip as I greatly benefited from it. I have made two new friends, while feasting both physically and visually. I also conquered the fear of travelling alone. It was really an enjoyable trip!

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