Sunday, January 24, 2010


Mrs. Tan was one of the many teachers who stay in the hostel. She’s a nice middle-aged lady, kind and helpful to her students. She helps me a lot in my studies so I am very grateful to her. She has a baby son and a daughter, family could always be seen going out together during the weekends.
Today morning she came to my unit and called for me. “Joshua’’, she smiled in the sweetest manner. “Could you do me a favour?” she requested. “I have to attend an important meeting in Marine Parade Community Centre and my maid is on leave, could you take care of Chris while I’m gone?”
How could I have rejected such an innocent request? All the time she had been helping me on my homework, this is the perfect chance to show my gratitude.”Why not”, I smiled back. She passed me some diapers, milk powder, and a bottle. She gave me some instructions on feeding the baby. Then she left in a hurry.
It is now my job to keep this baby safe and sound, I felt a sudden burden on myself. Taking care of a baby wouldn’t be that hard, I convinced myself.
Chris the cute little ‘angel’ turned out to be a ‘monster’, right after his mother left, he started wailing. I ran to him and carried him up trying to comfort him. Not only this didn’t stop his wailing, he cried even louder.
My neighbour probably heard the wailing and came to my room to see what’s going on. I told him about Chris, he listen very attentively. My neighbour happened to have experience with babies. He told me that the baby was probably hungry. Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?
He also guided me on other things like changing the baby’s diapers. He was like a guardian angel helping me when I needed the most.
Mrs. Tan came back at about 7 p.m. I was relieved as if I just finished a 2.4 km run. Mrs. Tan thanked and rewarded me with some gift certificates. I gave the gift certificates to my neighbour and thanked him for his kindness although we are not close.

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