Friday, January 22, 2010


There have been many occasions when I had felt frightened, but there was once that it left me feeling very guilty.
Yesterday was one of those unlucky days where everything goes wrong. I woke up late and had to rush to school. Despite all my efforts to avoid being seen sneaking into the school, I was caught by my classmate, Aaron, who was a prefect. I tried to plead him to let me go this time, but he didn’t show any mercy. When I reached my class, the bell had already rung and everyone was taking out their Mathematics textbook for the first lesson.
I was scolded for being late by Mr. Bob in front of the whole class, I felt so shameful. I trembled in fear as I realized that I had mistaken my Geography text book for my English textbook. I avoided attracting the teacher’s attention by looking down at my feet.
I jolted up suddenly when I heard Mr. Bob announcing to the class that we had to submit our mathematics assignment. I panicked even more when I remembered that mine was not completed due to excessive computer games the day before.
I noticed that my friend’s completed assignment was on the floor, mischievous thoughts started to invade my mind. I picked it up secretly when no one was looking. I changed the name using correction fluid.
When Mr. Bob asked for my assignment, I handed the assignment I found on the floor. I was very afraid that he will notice the change of names on the assignment. He stared at the paper for a moment, then he put it together with the others.
Although I handed an assignment on time, I felt a strong wave of guilt. My classmate, Joseph, was scolded and sent to detention although he did his work. Till this day I still feel guilty when I meet him.

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